
"Aren't I Cute?"

My second Sheila picture! It's been a long time since I have tried to draw Sheila, the Jag-were from the Northern Edge Guard. This is partially from a lack of inspiration and partially because I was so dis-satisfied with my first attempt at drawing her. Not that my first Sheila picture was bad, but it just didn't seem to measure up to Fred Perry's artwork. It was missing some of Sheila's "personality."

I was inspired to create this drawing after I saw the hot outfit Sheila was wearing on the cover of John Barret's Gold Digger: Edge Guard #5. I knew I had to draw her in this, but the question was what pose? First I tried a fighting pose, with Sheila dashing with her ice fang sword with a devilish grin on her face. It sucked and became a drink colster. I was pretty frustrated, so I decided to toss the Sheila idea aside and draw the Hawaiian Pineapple Emperor/ Prophet of Jade from Gold Digger Color #12. This guy is the coolest, but I couldn't draw him either. I gave up and watched the Cubs play the Dodgers, and sweep the series.

Several hours later I decided to try drawing Sheila again. This time I was going to try a more seductive pose, perferably where she is in lardosis, a position I learned from the FPFC. I looked through my image galleries on my computer for something to "swipe" from (real artists' term for taking a pose from another drawing, photo, etc.), but found nothing. Then I just started doodling and eureka! This original pose came out! I think this picture captures her personality better than my first one and it looks a lot more racy. This drawing will give the gang down at the FPFC image board something to gawk at!

Please e-mail me if you save or copy this picture!

I would love to know that you like it!

All text and original multimedia is © 2001 Daniel Keller. All other information is copyrighted by their respective owners.