
"Is He Cute?"

I have been in a Disney character drawing mood lately, and as a result I have returned to drawing my favorite little vixen Vixey, from The Fox and the Hound. She is just the cutest thing, and very feminine for a Disney character. To draw her I used a non-photo blue pencil to do the rough work and size 08 and 05 pigment ink pens to do the inking. I really enjoy drawing Vixey and her feline counterpart Duchess. Infact, I have had so much practice drawing them that I can complete a drawing of one of them in half the time it takes for me to draw even some of my own characters. They are becoming second nature to me. Even so, I didn't have quite the same ease with drawing this picture of Vixey as I did for the first one I drew of her. This is most likely because I chose such an unorthidox facial expression to draw. I have never drawn Vixey or Duchess with such a "strong" expression before. Combined with the fact that this is only the second time I have drawn Vixey this pose really threw me through a loop. Still, I think I managed to do a good job and I still finished the drawing in only one evening.

This drawing of Vixey was based on the scene where she first appears in the film The Fox and the Hound. She is approached by "Big Mama" the owl, who mistakes her for Todd, a male fox who was just let loose in the woods. Big Mama, upon realizing her mistake, tries to persuade Vixey to help her look for the possibly lost Todd. In my drawing I show Vixey's face while she is trying to decide whether or not to help in the search. Eventually she does decide to go looking for Todd, in fact, she was more than happy to do it after she heard that Todd was about her age and very cute. We can see what her priorities are in a mate!

This drawing was done on 80lb. medium surface Strathmore drawing paper. For the rough pencil work I used a non-photo blue pencil. For the inking I used 05 Pigma Micron and 08 ZiG Millennium pens. The result was scanned cleaned up with Paint Shop Pro 7.02. The print out was on standard fax/copy paper and was colored with Crayola colored pencils. The lettering was added with Paint Shop Pro 7.02.

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All text and original multimedia is © 2002 Daniel Keller. All other information is copyrighted by their respective owners.